
| Name: | xxxmisfits_riot_xx | Ranking: | 0.00 | Birthday: | 1995-05-20 | Country: | | Joined: | 2007-11-18 | Location: | | Posts: | 0 comments | Buddies: | none | Uploads: | 0 backgrounds | Visits: | 0 visits |  | Web: | |
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W0rking 0n my pr0file. I did m0st 0f it t0day. c0mment 0n my pr0gress s0 far.
.Ab0ut Me.
My name is Nikki and I'm twlve years 0ld. Animal Liberati0n, Peace, and Feminism are what I belive in. If y0u d0n't like it then t0 bad. I tend t0 speak my mind with0ut thinking. I was given this w0rld I didn't make it. I say the w0rds d0pe, c0ol, awes0me, and d0wn wayyy t0 much. I l0ve skateb0arding. Anyways thats pretty much all the basics. If y0u wanna kn0w m0re then just message add 0r whatever.
I pretty much like any genre band etc. 0f music y0u can think 0f. The 0nly s0und that pretty much makes me want t0 c0mmit suicide is c0untry music. I have n0thing against it (f0r y0u c0untry l0vers) but I just think it s0unds like crap.
This is were im putting my fav0rite Ic0ns. Just remember that I DID N0T make this ic0ns. S0 d0n't c0mment me all butt hurt that I supp0sedly "st0le" y0ur graphics. It's m0re like a c0mment that y0u did a fairly well j0b.
This is were my fav0rite d0lls g0. The same w0rds that applied t0 ic0ns applies t0 d0lls. I like them but I did N0T create these s0 d0n't get all upset. It's m0re like a c0mpliment that y0u did a g0od j0b.
.Vide0 0f the Week.
This is where my Vide0 0f the Week g0es. Y0u may w0nder why d0es it 0nly change 0n m0ndays..? Well it changes every m0nday because I d0n't want my page t0 be c0verd in like 50 milli0n vide0s. Makes m0re sense d0esn't it.
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